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Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment in Delray Beach, Florida

Updated: Dec 1, 2018

Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Up All Night Unable To Sleep With Your Pain? Don't Let These Be Your Declining Years. Beat Peripheral Neuropathy Now.


Dear Friend, I'm Dr. Wayne Siegel and for over 20 years I have been treating patients from pain to the joys of life. I know what you're thinking. This is too good to be true. You've been up all night for as long as you can remember because of this painful burning in your feet and hands. Finally, you have come to the right place. We offer positive hope because of the numerous patients with peripheral neuropathy who we have treated and seen reduced pain in less than 4 weeks time. Pain medications are probably your best friend at this point because there seems to be nothing else to do. At first, it was this slight numbness. It didn't affect you much. In fact, it even went untreated--you didn't even know what it was. Then it got worse. The numbness became pain. Your feet and hands started to swell. Now, they are red, swollen and aching. You feel as if you're walking on pins and needles with every step. It hurts just to walk to the restroom, let alone too the places you used to enjoy... What if I told you that there is a BREAKTHROUGH solution which rids you of all the pain of neuropathy and has a success-rate of 95%? Would you take advantage of it? I know it probably seems to good to be true, so I won't get ahead of myself. I'll elaborate. I presume, you're a lot like most of us who experience neuropathy. I used to have it myself.  You've probably taken the steps to get treated--only to find out that the treatments the doctors provided do not work. They gave you plenty of medications which they said would help, BUT the only thing which occurred was more numbness. The painkillers numbed the pain, but the severity of your neuropathy did not improve... In fact, it likely got worse. You may have even tried visiting additional doctors. Now, your case is progressing so, they offered you surgery. What the surgery will do, I don't know... But we've seen that it doesn't work. This doesn't even point out the fact that it is scary. These doctors can't guarantee that the problem will resolve. Instead, it will serve as a band-aid, masking your neuropathy as it continue to get worse. Yet, they insist on cutting under your skin because it seems like the only option you have... I'm excited to share with you the solution I found which flipped my life around from pain & numbness to joy and happiness once again. Many of the cases I have seen involve patients who can't even sleep most nights, let alone put on their socks and shoes in the morning. Their pain began in the tips of their fingers and toes and now has moved into their feet and hands... In more severe cases, their arms and legs too.  At this point, most people have given up hope. Does this sound right? I'm here to share with you how we can recover your lost hope as we rejuvenate your nerves back to life. You see, neuropathy is caused by the damage to your nerve cells, most commonly in your feet and hands. The damage is usually caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves, resulting in a lack of nutrient flow. Ultimately, this causes the nerves to degenerate. When this happens, you experience these painful feelings. The reason this happens is from diabetes, chemotherapy, environmental toxins, cholesterol-lowering drugs, or idiopathic (unknown) causes. What's crazy is this is far more common than you may think. Over 20 million Americans experience the effects of neuropathy each year. So why do most people not know of a treatment which really works? Like any breakthrough it takes time to penetrate the marketplace and is in low supply. Most doctors face what we call, physician commonness. They all attend the same meetings, listen to the same doctors and read the same publications. In turn, it doesn't take long before everyone has the same demeanor. Breakthroughs happen from going outside the box and bringing new, proven systems back in. Keep doing what you've always done and you can be sure you will never get anything different than what you have already got. What we have is a new way. It has a proven track-record to get rid of neuropathy pain. And best of all... Most people see results in only 3 months. The breakthrough I am discussing is our exclusive treatment protocol. This utilizes FDA-cleared, highly advanced medical devices to increase the blood flow in your feet and hands and is totally holistic in its approach.  It has proven to repair the damaged nerves, naturally, by increasing the blood and nutrient flow. No longer are surgeries, addictive side-effect producing drugs or injections involved. Do you see how this will work for you?

Imagine how much better your life will be if you didn't wake up to jabbing pain and could finally enjoy the things you like to do again? Do you think you'll feel more confident if you don't need to constantly hunch over with every step you take? This is no pipe dream. FREE Evaluation will get you started with treatment!


You can have everything in the world that you ever wanted--but that won't do you any good if you can't enjoy any of it. So if you are ready to discover the astonishing breakthrough treatment to get you back on your feet without pain, CALL NOW! 561-738-0222

If you do not reach us during normal business hours, leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Now, we only have two more spots available for treatment. So, if you want to make sure you secure a spot this treatment round, then please make sure to call now! When you do so, make sure to tell the office how you found out about us. If you mention it we will give you our normally, $250.00 evaluation for free. BUT you have to call now before it fills up. If the spots fill up, we won't be able to offer the evaluation right now. To be next in line, you can also provide your information by clicking the button below and we will reach out to you at the next available moment. Click to Sign Up If You Want to Stop Feeling Pain!

Once again, if you are sick of this pain and don't want to see it get any worse, then CALL NOW and we will jump you to the front of the line. 561-738-0222


Also, Check Out Why Our Patients Love Their Results! "Much of the edema swelling in my feet has diminished, numbness lessened and my balance has improved. I am able to walk a mile every day whereas I could not walk at all prior to treatment because of my balance problem. I even was able to go to the Tennis tournament and climb up the bleachers, which would have been impossible prior to treatment. MY SITUATION LOOKED HOPELESS PRIOR TO TREATMENT! I WOULD RECOMMEND SERIOUS CONSIDERATION OF THIS TREATMENT!" - Martin  


"For 15 years I suffered from stabbing pains, numbness and other abnormal sensations. I suffered from the feeling of insects crawling on my feet & calves. I felt like long 10 penny-nails were being hammered into both my toes & feet.  I was diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy.  Trying to solve the problem was full of anger and hopelessness! Doctors were unable to diagnose my condition for years. Dr. Siegel took the time to actually listen! He explained what was going on in my body and how his treatments would progress. He offers compassion and care with every visit. With the treatments, I no longer suffer this pain! Finally, I am able to feel my socks inside my sneakers again! This may not seem like a big deal. To someone who suffers from Neuropathy, it is. Your socks feel like clumped up balls under your your feet. Walking was painful. Now, this normal sensation is the sun bursting through the clouds - a beautiful day!  I now live with less pain. I am less tired and able to move much better. I am continuing therapy and am anticipating on being 100% pain-free soon!  - Mary 


Call Now to Get Started 561-738-0222



Health Solutions of the Palm Beaches

(561) 738-0222

3469 W Boynton Beach Blvd, Suite 3 Boynton Beach, FL 33436



2020 © Siegel Chiropractic Center, Inc

 Siegel Chiropractic Center, Inc. DBA Health Solutions of the Palm Beaches(Wayne M. Siegel) has made no guarantees or warranties with respect to the information contained on this website and has made no guarantees as to individual results, as they may vary.THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT. The Value of the consultation offered at no charge is  two  hundred & fifty dollars.

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